Sunday 31 August 2008

Life is definitely

Life is definitely not a bowl of cherries.

You come into the world screaming. You're welcomed with a slap, weighed like a head of cabbage, and stuffed into a box.

"Birth is suffering;
Decay is suffering;
Death is suffering;
Sorrow, Lamentation, Pain, Grief and Despair are suffering;
not to get what one desires is suffering;
in short:
The Five Aggregates of Existence
are suffering."
- The Buddha

Pessimists are often attacked and criticized by optimists for being too pessimistic. Yet the optimists are, for some reason, surprised that this strategy rarely changes the opinions of the pessimists.

"Not all pain is gain."

We spend our lives struggling to survive; our goal is to succeed in our strenuous effort to stay alive. With almost absolute certainty, we are destined to fail.

After we're gone, the fact of the matter is that world will get along just fine without us, and the vast majority of the world won't even notice, much less care, that we're gone.

"Human life
must have been some kind of a mistake."
- Arthur Schopenhauer

"That human life must be some kind of mistake
is sufficiently proved by the simple observation
that man is a compound of needs which are hard to satisfy;
- that their satisfaction achieves nothing
but a painless condition
in which he is only given over to boredom . . ."
- Arthur Schopenhauer

"The Good Guys," definitely, do not always win.

Often, it's actually pretty darn fuzzy figuring out who the good guys even are.

"Painkillers," in the long run, often make things more painful.

"Antidepressants" often make us more depressed.

Kids often scream a lot when they're born. There are reasons why they scream.

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